

Role of the President

The President is most commonly the head of a golf club.

This role is responsible for the integrity of the board/committee process, including the effectiveness of meetings and the board/committee's adherence to its own governance policies and responsibilities.

In addition to sitting on the board/committee, the President is an ex-officio of all sub-committees.

In the club's constitution, the President is generally afforded a casting vote.

The role should be occupied by a person with leadership skills, widely respected for sound judgment, who possesses a broad experience of both the club as well as the governance role of boards/committees.

The President ensures that targets and performance goals are overseen, strategic planning is undertaken and monitored, budgeting and risk management for the future is taking place and that communication with all stakeholders is occurring.

Depending on the club's constitution, the President will often be responsible for chairing the Annual General Meeting. To this end the President will be required to understand the AGM process and how to conduct a public meeting.

A sound knowledge of the club's constitution will also be required.

The President shall often be the representative of the club, together with the Captain, at golf industry events. The President should be committed to the Club and have a willingness to commit the time and effort required.

Key skills and qualities:

  • The ability to lead a committee and a club;
  • The ability to think strategically;
  • Be friendly and approachable;
  • Ability to delegate and not micromanage;
  • An understanding of club business, structures and systems;
  • Oral communication skills;
  • The ability to understand and relate to club members;
  • The ability to build consensus and to get teamwork to occur;
  • Be ethical, honest and trustworthy;
  • Have independence in decision making;
  • Interested in more than the honour of the position.